Holy Matrimony

Holy Matrimony

To be married at Saint Cecilia Roman Catholic Church, at least one party must be a registered and an active parishioner. Couples are required to meet with a parish priest to discuss marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office at least six months in advance to reserve the church. Weddings scheduled for weekends must take place on Friday or Saturday evenings at either 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM or on Saturdays prior to 1:00 PM.


Wedding Guidelines and Fees


If you are interested in having your reception at St. Cecilia click here for more information.


Contact the Parish Office to Schedule Your Wedding
| stcsecretary@stcindependence.org

The Sacred Music Director, Patrick Mason, is available to help plan your ceremony’s music.

Contact Music Ministry
859.363.4311 | 859.907.0626 | pmason@stcindependence.org